From the Left



Words the MAGA Cult Don’t Want You to Hear

Dick Polman on

Fascism takes root when people en masse fall down the rabbit hole of alternative reality, which is precisely what Trump’s Capitol Hill enablers have tried (and thus far failed) to contrive. Fortunately, here in the 21st century, we have fancy gizmos called “videos” and “body cams,” and that evidence – aired in abundance during the hearing – was incontrovertible proof that the testifying cops were on the right side of Truth.

Granted, what those cops saw, heard, felt, and experienced will still be dismissed by the grassroots cultists, who are already hurling ridicule on social media and concocting new conspiracy theories that I won’t waste your time with. They’re already laughing at Officer Fanone for venting his fury at the witness table: “Nothing, virtually nothing has prepared me to address those elected (Republican) members of our government who continue to deny the events of that day” – people “I was so desperately trying to defend.”

As the House hearings proceed, we need to remember that Trump’s goons – on the Hill and in their communities – will not stop. Denying the reality of Jan. 6, spinning the violent coup as some kind of new norm, is merely one facet of the MAGA master plan.

As Kurt Bardella, a former senior Republican adviser, pointed out Tuesday, “The GOP’s endgame is to create a world in which they and they alone win elections. Any election that doesn’t result in a Republican win is labeled fraudulent and (deserves to) be overturned.”

That doesn’t seem to jibe with the traditional definition of “law and order,” but the MAGA norm-breakers don’t concern themselves with such niceties. Those of us who still revere the rule of law and democracy itself will have ample opportunity to revisit this issue as more witnesses appear under oath. Office Dunn said yesterday, “Jan. 6 still isn’t over for me.”


That goes for the rest of us, too.


Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at Email him at Copyright 2021 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

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