From the Left



Texas Needed Help From an ‘Illegitimate’ President

Dick Polman on

Back when the governor was Rick Perry (remember him?), he nurtured his presidential ambitions by fuming that the “oppressive” federal government was always “interfering with the affairs of our state.” Which was amusing, because he was always in constant pursuit of federal bucks - for farmer “drought assistance,” for local law enforcement, for disaster cleanups, for whatever federal money his Washington lobbyists could scavenge. (He paid those lobbyists 30 grand a month).

But this was my favorite Texas two-step: On April 9, 2009, Perry put out a statement boasting about “Texas sovereignty” and state’s rights. On April 10, he put out another statement: “Gov. Perry Calls on FEMA to Assist the State in Fighting Wildfires.”

Anyway, one facet of the latest episode is particularly noteworthy. President Biden approved the plea for federal relief with all deliberate speed - without telling the state to buzz off because it hadn’t voted for him, without ranting that the red governor runs things horribly, without fuming that the state’s election lawsuit didn’t treat him nice, without offering to throw paper towels, without telling Texans who don’t like him to just rake the snow.

Instead, Biden just did his job this weekend - as he promised. This is what it’s like to have a president who believes he’s responsible for helping red and blue states alike - without favor, without partisan tantrums.

And his quick action should blunt the windbag Texas talk about secession and Washington oppression. Until next time.



Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at Email him at

Copyright 2021 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

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