From the Left



What Donald Trump Shares with Al Sharpton

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

One of my favorite tunes in the super-hit musical "Hamilton" is a little ditty sung by King George III. He raises a very appropriate question for his former colonies today: What comes next?

What comes next?

You've been freed.

Do you know how hard it is to lead?

That question has come to many minds ever since King George's day, every time a new regime takes the reins of power and its lofty campaign promises run into the harsh realities of taxes, budgets and tough decisions. "We campaign in poetry," as the late New York Gov. Mario Cuomo famously proclaimed. "We govern in prose."

That question -- What comes next? -- also came to mind as I asked one of the most quotable black conservatives I know, Robert L. Woodson, founder and president of the Washington-based National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, what he thinks of Republican nominee Donald Trump's campaign.

"I feel the same way about him that I felt about Ann Coulter," he said, citing an op-ed he wrote last year about the conservative author-columnist Coulter in the Wall Street Journal. "He's an Al Sharpton for white people."

I quickly grasped his point. Businessman Trump and the Rev. Al Sharpton have a lot in common. As Woodson wrote about Coulter, after she had criticized outreach efforts by Woodson and House Speaker Paul Ryan in low-income communities, Trump and Sharpton offer more "flamboyant attacks than fact-based analysis."

Although both make appeals across class and racial lines, their support falls mostly along racial and tribal lines. I've covered Sharpton off and on since the 1980s and appeared on his TV and radio programs. I have observed Trump, who never has been shy about the public eye, longer than that.

But as fun as they may be to cover, I am disappointed that they sometimes have done more to divide the races than bring us together. Like Woodson, Ryan and other pragmatic Republicans, I would like to see a vigorous competition between both parties for African-American votes, as we had before the mid-1960s.

Remember the so-called "autopsy" report that the Republican National Committee produced after GOP Mitt Romney's demographically driven defeat? Minority outreach flew out the window in the 2016 campaign season, thanks in particular to Trump's blunt threats to undocumented immigrants, Muslims and women's rights, among other affronts, plus his ham-handed idea of an appeal to black voters: "What the hell do you have to lose?"


Trump could use the sort of exposure that Woodson has helped to bring Speaker Ryan during visits to poverty-stricken communities over the past three years. Woodson and Ryan met when they worked for the late Rep. Jack Kemp, a former pro football star who was very popular in minority communities before he died in 2009.

Kemp's market-driven approach to poverty fighting began in the late 1970s when the then-congressman enlisted colleagues in an Opportunity Society initiative to empower public housing residents.

The crime-ridden Kenilworth-Parkside public housing development in Washington became a laboratory for change, driven by resident leaders. They drove out the drug dealers, reduced teen pregnancy and welfare dependency and launched self-help initiatives, among other programs, to help their children get into college.

Similar grassroots efforts in other cities have shown how effectively community residents can help themselves through public-private partnerships -- and replacing government bureaucrats in many cases with residents who live with poverty-related problems every day.

While nobody has a monopoly on remedies for the complicated problems of race and poverty in our very diverse society, we do have the capacity to work together on a variety of solutions, if we have the will.

The tragedy of our modern Twitter-age politics is how much easier it is exploit divisions than try to heal them.

With Hillary Clinton looking like an overwhelming favorite to win in November, national Republicans once again are faced with a future that is becoming increasingly diverse and still looking for answers to such thorny issues as immigration, income gaps, trade relations and the rise of international terrorism.

Donald Trump's campaign has done us the favor of raising issues in public debate that Washington politicians have been afraid to touch in recent years. Now that the issues have been raised, I am waiting for cooler heads from all backgrounds to come together, put aside petty difference and face the big question of our future: What comes next?


(E-mail Clarence Page at





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