From the Left



Religion vs. Rights in An Election Year, Heaven Help Us

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

Mixing religion with politics can be no less hazardous to a politician than mixing aviation with alcohol.

You could hear that in the awkward response by Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and current Republican presidential candidate, as CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked him whether a Muslim flight attendant should be able to deny alcohol to passengers.

The question was not hypothetical. ExpressJet flight attendant Charee Stanley has filed a federal complaint after she was suspended for refusing to serve alcohol. She cited her Muslim religion, to which she says she converted two years ago, according to news reports.

Her complaint was filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission just days before Rowan County, Ky., clerk Kim Davis made national news by going to jail for five days for contempt of court rather than issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

As news cameras rolled, Davis walked out of jail after Labor Day accompanied by Huckabee in what looked and sounded like a mixture of a Huckabee rally and a religious revival -- while fellow Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas applauded sternly from the sidelines, outside camera range.

Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" played over loudspeakers, much to the dismay, TMZ reports, of Survivor's lead singer, Frankie Sullivan. Rock, like religion, doesn't always mix with politics, especially when the composer disapproves.


Huckabee has argued against the principle of judicial supremacy that makes the Supreme Court the final arbiter of constitutionality. In defense of Davis, he has described the Dred Scot decision, which upheld slavery, as "the law of the land" and used the fact that nobody follows it today as justification for defying the high court's same-sex marriage decision.

Actually, the Dred Scot decision was rendered invalid by the equal-protection clause of the 14th Amendment. But Huckabee is not about to let inconvenient legal facts get in the way of his constitutional argument.

"Should Lincoln have been put in jail? Because he ignored (Dred Scott)," Huckabee asked on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on Sunday. "That's the fundamental question."

Yet Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, sounded considerably more subdued when CNN's Camerota asked him whether he thought flight attendant Stanley has the right to refuse to serve alcohol.


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