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Can Androids Pray for Digital Salvation?

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

The new movie "Ex Machina" offers AVA, a strikingly attractive female humanoid, and the haunting existential question, "Does Ava actually like you? Or is she pretending to like you?"

Only a month earlier we had "Chappie," the story of a police droid who becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. Adventures ensue.

Still to come: "Avengers: Age of Ultron," in which the villainous robot taunts in the previews that like Walt Disney's Pinocchio, "There are no strings on me."

And at Christmas, we are scheduled to see George Lucas' latest "Star Wars" sequel. That means the return of star droids R2-D2 and C3PO with the sort of AI that we humans love: They don't let their superior intelligence go to their heads -- or wherever else their central processing units might be installed.

If the sci-fi world is our guide, public concern about the future power of AI looms in the background of our lives whether we want to confront it directly or not. Some sort of regulatory safeguards might well be in order, but we can hardly expect Washington lawmakers to help us get along with robots when they can hardly get along with one another.


Besides, AI is way beyond the technical know-how of a Congress that seems barely able to figure out net neutrality. They aren't alone.

Meanwhile, research in artificial intelligence and our uncertain robot future forges ahead. Benek's ideas about bringing salvation to robots doesn't sound so nutty after all. He actually raises an important question: If your supercomputer loses its moral or ethical way, who's going to tell it?


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