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Affiliate Program Management 101

Feb 06, 2018

Affiliate Marketing Guru Evan Weber has just announced that he is giving away his Affiliate Program Management 101 course away for free for a limited time!

This course has sold for $199 and is full of useful information for prospective as well as experienced affiliate managers. Here's the curriculum:

What is Affiliate Marketing or Performance-Based Marketing?

* What is Performance-Based Marketing for Advertisers, Merchants and Businesses?
* A Conversation about Affiliate/Performance Marketing with Evan Weber
* What are the various types of Performance-based Affiliate Marketers?
* 15 Types of Affiliate Marketers You Can Partner With to Grow Your Affiliate Program
* Effective Strategies for Increasing Affiliate Program Channel Production
* How Affiliate Marketing and Website Conversion Rate Optimization are Fundamentally Linked


How to Manage Affiliate Programs

* How to Run Your Company's Affiliate Program Like an Expert Affiliate Manager FREE
* 21 Processes for Maximizing and Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Channel
* Why Having a Competent Affiliate Manager and Affiliate Management are Essential to Affiliate Program Growth
* 10 Reasons Why Having a Competent Affiliate Manager and Affiliate Management are Essential to Affiliate Program Growth
* 15 Affiliate Management Best Practices to Squeeze More out of Your Affiliate Channel
* 9+ Ways to Effectively Manage and Grow Your Affiliate Program to New Heights
* 44 Affiliate Marketing Tips and Strategies to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Channel
* The CJ Network's EPC Average Explained, How to Boost it, and How it Correlates to Affiliate Program Growth
* 14 Proven Ways to Recruit Affiliates to Grow Your Affiliate Program Huge


Sign-up here. Then click "Enroll for Free"

Act now; this is a limited time offer!

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