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From the ArcaMax Advertising Update Online Marketing Newsletter

Analyzing Your Customer Experience

Mar 01, 2017

Here at ArcaMax, our business is built on meeting the needs of three separate markets: readers, advertisers, and the ISP's.

Without readers, we don't have a business. We need to provide content that they like and want to read - on a regular basis. We then generate revenue by serving ads on behalf of our advertisers. If the readers are engaged, they will see the sponsor ads and hopefully respond. The implicit contract is that they receive these ads in exchange for the free content; this is the basis of all ad-supported media.

Our advertisers need to generate results from their ads. That's why they spend money with us. Without advertisers, we can't run our business and the readers won't get their content from us.

Then there are the ISP's - gmail, hotmail, yahoo, AOL, and the rest. They are also providing service to the readers in exchange for the opportunity to serve ads. Part of this service is keeping the spam levels down, and so we must send our mail (including ads) in a reasonable way so that our mail hits the inbox, or none of this will work properly. The readers won't get their comics, columns and news from us, the advertisers won't get their results, and we will have business challenges.

ArcaMax's success is built upon our ability to balance the needs of these different constituencies. Each is our customer, and we must be sure to manage our customer experience in all three areas.

We encourage you to make customer experience a top priority. Here's some good advice to help.

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