


Today's Word "cohort"

A group or band of people on

Published in Vocabulary

cohort \KOH-hort\ (noun) - 1 : A group or band of people. 2 : A companion; an associate. 3 : A group of people sharing a common statistical factor (as age or membership in a class) in a demographic study. 4 : (Roman Antiquity) A body of about 300 to 600 soldiers; the tenth part of a legion. 5 : Any group or body of warriors.

"Some of Custer's harsh juvenile humor was shared by his cavalry cohort, who put a premium on toughness." -- Louise Barnett, 'Touched by Fire'


Cohort derives from Latin cohors, "an enclosure, a yard," hence, "a division of an army camp," hence "a troop, a company," hence, "a division of the Roman army."


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