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Celebrity Travel: Go Away With George Kourounis

By Jae-Ha Kim, Tribune Content Agency on

When George Kourounis decided to get married, he and his wife had their ceremony on top of an erupting volcano. The Canadian adventurer and documentarian ("Angry Planet," "Volcanic Planet," "What On Earth?") counts that as one of his most memorable experiences. "I decided years ago what the purpose of my life was," says Kourounis, who has traveled to all seven continents multiple times. "And that was to travel the world and document the most extreme experiences and share that, whether it's for a TV program or talking to people about those experiences. I somehow managed to turn it into a lifestyle." Fans may keep up with his latest adventures on Twitter (

Q. When you're going on a vacation, do you prefer staying active?

A. Yes. I never lay out at the beach. When's the last time I just relaxed? I think it was 1997. (Laughs) I like to keep moving and always do something new. I try to travel to new places. I've been to all seven continents. I've been to Antarctica three times, which even I found surprising. For me, it's not appealing to sit at an all-inclusive beach. That's not a vacation to me, although my wife deserves a trip like that. I'll have to suck it up and take her to a beach and let her enjoy herself.

Q. Any destinations in mind?

A. I'd like it to be somewhere I've never been before. Maybe Cuba? I'm not a fan of revisiting places.

Q. What are some places that stand out?


A. I've been to Patagonia, and I loved it. Everything looks like a postcard. Very few people know where it is. It's a small island nation between Fiji and Australia and they have some of the most active volcanoes there. I've been back there many times. I had my wedding ceremony on a different island there back in 2006. She had her wedding dress and I had my tuxedo and we had no guests, just the locals that performed the ceremony and some people who happened to be walking past. We had a big party after that back home. We weren't going to ship my grandmother halfway around the world for our wedding.

Q. Is your wife an adventurer, too?

A. She has a business in Toronto and will occasionally come with me. I've taken her shark diving in the Bahamas and we've been to Indonesia together. She's interested in places like Hawaii, but not really interested in visiting Chernobyl. I can't figure out why. (Laughs)

Q. Did you travel much as a child?


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