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The Kitchn: How to master juicy grilled chicken breasts

By Meghan Splawn on

Have your digital thermometer handy

A digital probe thermometer is one of the best tools you can own for the grill. While you've already done a lot of work to ensure that those chicken breasts are cooked correctly -- by flattening them for even cooking, brining for juiciness, and cooking over direct heat for grill marks -- you still want to be doubly sure the chicken is cooked through.

Insert the probe thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken (the flattened part will plump back up a bit over the heat) and look for a temperature of 165 F. While you can safely remove the chicken at 160 F and allow for some carryover cooking, 165 F is the safest temperature to ensure the chicken is cooked completely.

How to get really great grill marks

Make sure your grill grates are clean and debris-free before you put the chicken on the grill. Pat the chicken breast dry to remove excess surface moisture that causes steaming instead of searing. Cook the chicken over direct heat for three minutes to get gorgeous grill marks; then move to indirect heat, cover, and grill to 165 F before removing from the grill.

Grilled Chicken Breast


Serves 4

For the marinade and glaze:

3/4 cup honey

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar


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