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My Pet World: A little training can help a dog reluctant to poop in his yard

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Once he reliably responds to the command during walks, you can apply the same training principles in your yard. By reinforcing the "go poop" command consistently in different environments, you can help him generalize the behavior and feel comfortable pooping in your yard, even during winter weather.

Remember, training takes time and persistence. It may take several weeks for him to fully grasp the concept, so don't be discouraged if progress is gradual. With consistent and positive reinforcement, though, you should see improvement with this over time. Please let me know about his progress.

Dear Cathy,

I read your column in the Arizona Daily Star out of Tucson. I adopted a rescue cat, Godiva, that will be two years old on April 22. She is a mixed breed and had been unadopted for about a year, living with other rescue cats.

When Godiva urinates, she goes to the corner of the litter box and goes while she's standing — a stream that goes straight out. She doesn't squat as other cats do, nor does she cover it. Of course, the litter box odor is strong in a very short time.

Can you suggest a way to "adjust" her urination posture? I cannot think of anything, and she is an "only" cat so she has no example to follow. Not sure that would make a difference, though, since she's been living with other cats for a long while and hasn't copied them.


— Sue, Friendship, Maine

Dear Sue,

Thank you for reaching out about Godiva's urination behavior. First and foremost, rule out any potential medical issues that may affect the direction of her urine stream. It's essential to ensure there are no underlying health problems or physical impairments contributing to how she relieves herself. Visit your veterinarian for a thorough examination and possibly some diagnostic tests as a first step.

Next, assuming that Godiva is healthy, and this behavior is more of a learned habit or preference, there are still strategies you can try to encourage more appropriate litter box use.


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