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ISP workers rescue stranded cat from utility lines in New Jersey


Published in Cats & Dogs News

(UPI) Workers for an Internet service provider came to the assistance of animal control officers in New Jersey when a cat became stranded on some utility wires.

Newton Animal Control said residents reported a cat stranded high up on some utility wires in Hardwick and were concerned that it was about to start raining.

A pair of cat-loving employees from Internet service provider Planet Network arrived at the scene in the hopes of making sure it didn't rain cats in addition to water.

The workers used a bucket truck to safely pluck the feline from its perch.


"After safely grabbing a very scared cat, they brought him down to me and he was contained," an animal control officer wrote on Facebook.

The post thanked the local residents who reported the cat's situation, as well as a tree trimmer who offered his services free of charge.

"Thank you to the two brave guys, Wyatt Coombs and Rob Nye, from Planet Network who helped this boy regardless of the risk to themselves," the post said.

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