/Home & Leisure
Everyday Cheapskate: Please, Can't Someone Make a Decent Steam Iron?!
I just asked Siri, "How do most people relax?" She rattled off a list of activities including "Nosh on chocolate," "Rub your feet over a golf ball," "Count backward," "Meditate" and "Drip cold water on your wrists."
Siri completely missed my favorite way to relax. I iron (not to be confused with "I pump iron," which I do not). No, really. There...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Money Is Not for Spending
It took me a long time to fully understand this profound truth: Money is not for spending. It is for managing first and then for spending. No one knows better than I do that it takes courage to believe that, but when you do, it will transform the way you think about and then manage your money.
Imagine this: It's Friday, a day you have come to ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: How to Get $1,000 Into Your Emergency Fund Painlessly
The most important thing you can do to make your personal economy strong is to have an umbrella, an emergency fund with enough money in it to pay all your bills for six months. And it needs to be safe and secure in a bank account.
You read that right: half a year's income! Wait. You can't even imagine being able to save $50? No worries. The ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: 4 Rules to Get Out of Debt
If you're in debt, you have to get out. The best way to do that is to put together a plan -- but remember a plan is only as good as your ability to stick with it. Just like diets, all of them work; the true test is sticking with one. No matter how effective the plan is in theory, if the regimen is outlandish and impractical, you will not stick ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Readers Share Their Favorite Time- and Money-Saving Tips
Just when I think I've heard every possible way to save time and money, here comes the mail to teach me something new. "Everyday Cheapskate" readers just have to be the smartest and most clever on the planet -- good-looking, too. Enjoy!
If you have more apples than you can reasonably use in the short-term, they'll last up to six months if you ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Do Not Delay in Spending Those Gift Cards
As we head into a new year, you may be settling in for a well-deserved rest from all the busyness of the holiday season. But not so fast. Before you haul all the boxes and torn-apart wrappings to the trash, take a quick inventory of the gift cards you and your family just received. The sad truth is that of the $308 billion Americans spent in ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: How to Remove Rust Stains from Just About Anything
If there's one subject that shows up in my inbox more often than any other, it has to be rust. Ugly, orange-ish stains on tubs, showers, toilets, washing machines, sinks and even stainless steel.
One reader (who shall remain nameless, as I have hopelessly misplaced your message) wrote that tiny rust marks have appeared on his new stainless ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Yes! You Can Put Silver in the Dishwasher
Contrary to popular belief, you can put silver in the dishwasher without causing harm, provided you are careful to follow a simple set of rules.
I grew up being fearful of the oddest things. I wasn't bold enough to question why, so I just did as I was told. Here's one: Never, ever put silver in the dishwasher. Ever!
I didn't know what would ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Appliance Maintenance You Can Do Yourself
It was Christmas Eve several years ago. Everything was ready. Our overnight company would be arriving in a matter of hours. I opened the refrigerator to discover the inside had reached a balmy 70 F. This could not have happened at a worse time. Away to my computer I flew like a flash, straight to, where I entered the make and ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Is It OK to Dispose of Fats, Oils and Cooking Grease Down the Kitchen Drain?
Dear Mary: Is there any problem with disposing of cooking grease and oil down the kitchen drain, as long as one is careful to follow with very hot water? My wife and I are at odds on this and have agreed to let you settle the argument. Hope to hear back soon. We could use some harmony. -- Ben
Dear Ben: While I'm not exactly a marriage counselor...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Save Money Using What You Have On Hand
From pasta to vinegar, there are all kinds of things in your kitchen pantry that could save you all kinds of money -- and frustration too! You're going to wonder why you didn't think of that!
If you can't light a candle without using a long lighter, grab a piece of dry spaghetti from your pantry. Strike a match and hold the flame...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: An Ingenious Way to Keep Butter Soft and Fresh
Dear Mary: Several years ago, I visited a friend and was introduced to an item that keeps butter out of the refrigerator and on the counter to be nice and soft and fresh until consumed.
The butter somehow stays in a top container that is then suspended over a container of water. I don't know the name of this thing, nor where to buy one. I have ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Surprising Ways to Use Car Wax Around the House (And None Involve Your Car)
Let me guess: There's an old can of car wax lurking in your garage, possibly next to a stash of mystery keys and a box labeled "random screws." Well, it's time to dig it out, dust it off and hope it hasn't turned into fossilized goo. By the time you're done reading, you'll be itching to give these unexpected tips a try. Who knew car wax could be...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Get the Maximum Burning Hours From Candles, Plus Other Great Reader Tips
What I love even more than the genius tips my readers send in are the little love notes and thank-yous tucked in alongside them. Honestly, I'm a complete sap for that kind of friendship, and it means more to me than I can say. Knowing there's a whole community of friends out there reading and enjoying these columns? That's the wind beneath my ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: The Hot New Trend
I wouldn't call it a radical new idea, although a recent issue of a popular women's magazine did say that living below your means is the hot new trend.
It is a simple concept -- spend less than you earn. Still, LBYM is seen by many as a life sentence, not the lifesaver that it is. It can take a crisis like unemployment or a sudden illness to ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Avoid These Expensive Tax Mistakes
You've rounded up your receipts, figured out all your deductions, and now you're ready to load that onto your tax forms. This is not the time to get sloppy. Make sure you don't run any of these red flags up the flagpole of your tax return, and you will greatly reduce the chances of getting hit with the most dreaded of all tax events -- the audit...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: Readers Share Creative Post-Holidays Tips and Tricks
I have so enjoyed the unique holiday tips and tricks you, my dear readers, have sent my way during the holidays. Over and again I find myself saying, "Wow! Why didn't I think that?"
A few weeks before Christmas, I was boiling mad at myself when I opened boxes marked "Christmas" to find supplies of cards, tags and gift wrap purchased on sale, ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: 7 Fabulous Last-Minute Gift Ideas
Need a last-minute gift for an office party, a beloved friend, neighbor, coworker or anyone else on your gift list, and for any occasion? Here are seven great ideas that won't take much time and certainly won't break the bank.
Think about fun activities you could do with different people on your list: dinner for a friend, ...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: When Long-Run Emotional Spending Is Not Soothing
Years ago, I discovered money was a great antidepressant. I spent to change my mood, to reward myself and to make myself feel better after a stressful week. I spent money when I felt sad and when I felt glad. I spent to get approval, to make my kids more popular, to impress people I didn't even know. The list goes on and on.
Who hasn't indulged...Read more
Everyday Cheapskate: No-Cost Ways to Drift Off to Sleep That Don't Involve Sheep
Ah, sleep -- that elusive friend we all need but sometimes can't seem to find. I don't know about you, but I've spent plenty of nights staring at the ceiling, wondering why my brain insists on replaying every awkward thing I've ever done instead of letting me snooze. The good news? You don't need fancy gadgets, pricey pillows or lavender-scented...Read more