Senior Living



Confused over Medicare’s turning 65 rule?


Here’s how the Medicare Initial Enrollment Period 7-month timeline works:

-- If you enroll anytime 3 months before turning 65, your Medicare begins the first day of the month you turn 65. Since Heather will turn 65 on February 20, she can enroll in Medicare Parts A and/or B in November, December, or January (3 months prior) for a February 1 effective date.

-- If you enroll the month you turn 65, then Medicare will begin the 1st of the next month. If Heather enrolls in February, her Medicare will begin March 1.

-- If you enroll 1 month after you turn 65, your Medicare will begin 1st of the next month. If Heather enrolls in March, her Medicare begins April 1.

-- If you enroll 2 months after you turn 65, your Medicare will begin the next month. If Heather enrolls in April; her Medicare will begin May1.


-- If you enroll 3 months after you turn 65, your Medicare will begin the next month. If Heather enrolls in May (3 months after the month she turns 65), her Medicare will begin June 1st.

Heather, you want your Medicare to begin May 1, so the first of April is when you would want to schedule your appointment with your local Social Security office. Explain your enrollment situation of not having enough quarters and enroll in Medicare during that meeting. Bring your Social Security card, driver's license and especially your “original” marriage license. Your husband should attend the meeting since you will be using his Social Security information.

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Toni King is an author and columnist on Medicare and health insurance issues. She has spent nearly 30 years as a top sales leader in the field. If you have a Medicare question, email or call 832-519-8664. Toni’s books and her newsletter are available at Toni’s new Confused about Medicare video series is now available for purchase at, as are Toni’s Medicare Survival Guide and discounted bundle package.

Copyright 2023 Toni King, Distributed by Counterpoint Media




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