


Is it wise to let children go to communion?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is it wise to let children go to communion? It is way over the heads of kids; in fact, it’s over the heads of most adults and can even seem gory. – C.C.

A: A little girl, seeing a cross on the communion table, asked, “Mama, what’s that plus sign over the table?” Questions children ask often lead them to the truth of the Gospel, and parents should not prevent children and teenagers from seeing and hearing the message of what is best known as “The Lord’s Supper.” There’s nothing greater than being in communion with the God of the universe who sent His Son to be the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ is not just the Savior of adults, but the richness of a child or teenager giving their life to the Lord is a glorious witness to the world. The “plus” sign is the cross upon which Jesus gave His life for the sins of the world. And isn’t it true that we are often in greater communion with our own families when we are seated around the family table?

Communion is a time when we examine our lives before the Scriptures. Christ’s death on the cross was more than Him setting a good example by offering His life for mankind. His was the sacrifice that God had appointed as the only sacrifice for sin. Because God Himself has set forth Christ to be the covering for human sin, God will not reject the sinner who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior.

Every time we eat the bread, we remember the body of Christ nailed to the cross for us. Every time we drink of the cup, we remember the blood that was shed on the cross as a covering for our sins. Even children who may not have yet accepted Christ can learn much by observing the respect and obedience demonstrated in the Name of Jesus.



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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