


Is it possible we can truly escape God’s ultimate judgment?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: It seems that culture goes from good to bad, bad to worse. While I know that there was plenty of immorality in the 20th century, the culture of today seems worse to me. My science professor claims that the judgment of God is a religious scare tactic and that science will one day rid the world of evil. Is this possible and can we truly escape God’s ultimate judgment? – G.E.

A: Let’s go back to Bible times, about 2,000 years ago. Paul, the great apostle, took a walk through the city of Athens and what he saw stirred him. In fact, Paul became very upset, irritated; he was angry at what he saw. Now what did he see? Corruption. Hundreds of idols. The cities of the world are no different, and people’s hearts are no different. The obsession with immoral pleasures, materialism, entertainments, ambition, and yes, even leisure, are the idols of today. They loom in the mind and saturate the heart. The very nature of mankind is corrupted by sin.

A television personality once said, “It is not doing us so much good to unravel the nature of the universe unless we can unravel the nature of man.”

Great hope is put in people’s ability to solve the ills of mankind. We made a god of science until science created the hydrogen bomb. We made a goddess that appeals to human sensuality. But with all of our knowledge and permissiveness, it hasn’t brought happiness, peace, or joy. There is perhaps more loneliness and boredom in society today than ever before.


Unless people repent and turn to God, there is no escaping God’s judgment. No nation in history steeped in continual immorality escapes the eye of the Lord. God will not wink at sin, but His Spirit is at work bringing conviction to the human heart and every individual must settle things with Him.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2022 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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