


How is a Christian defined today?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There is so much confusion these days about how a Christian is defined. Many say you must just believe in God. Others say you must obey God. Some say you must be sincere about doing good things. Which is it? -- R.C.

A: Those who identify as Christians understand fully what Christ has done for them. They accept His work of redeeming them and submit to Him in complete trust. Did you know that the word "Christian" actually means "a partisan for Christ"? In our political culture the word "partisan" is a word that is understandable. It means to take sides. It means we are committed to something or someone. Partisans are not neutral. So this is a wonderful way to describe who and what a Christian is.

Many people have the wrong idea about this. They say, "A Christian is a person who prays" or "A Christian lives by the golden rule." But praying or living by the golden rule doesn't make someone a Christian. A person may be sincere, but that doesn't make him or her a Christian.

Being a Christian is serious business! It means to obey the Gospel and accept Christ as personal Savior. It means to deny worldly pleasures and seek to please God in all things. It means to follow Jesus faithfully and joyfully. When Christians falter -- and we do -- we confess our sin to the Lord and ask Him to strengthen us.


We can never live the Christian life on the highest plane unless we are continually growing and moving forward. We should grow closer to God day by day as we strive to live as a shining light in a godless society and stand up for that which is right, just and honorable.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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