Life Advice



Ask Amy: Rekindled romance has everything except passion

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

What should I do?

— Not Feeling It

Dear Not Feeling It: It sounds as if you are in good shape, in terms of your life choices and lifestyle.

You don’t mention whether your guy’s negative characteristics that led you to reject him several years ago have changed at all.

My theory is that in your previous relationship with him, you were temporarily blinded by the hotness.

Now — your eyes are very much open, and the walls you built that drove you to reject him previously are still up.


Sexual compatibility is all about trust and abandon, and although you like and love this guy, the trust isn’t there.

To answer your question, yes, it is selfish of you to be in a romantic relationship without disclosing what’s really going on with you.

Talking honestly could lead to a rekindling of your attraction, but even if it doesn’t — your guy deserves to know the truth about how you’re feeling.

Dear Amy: I have a very good friend from college, “Cheryl,” who has contacted me online after over 12 years of silence.


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