Life Advice



Ask Amy: New mom is frustrated by her old mom

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

He has now sent around a copy of an obit that says our mom was survived by her "husband."

He also demanded that I lie about other things.

Within months of our mother’s death, he had married the girlfriend and none of us kids showed up at the wedding, so they screamed at us.

We were told to "straighten up and fly right" and from now on send Mother’s Day cards to her because we now have a NEW mother.

We kids are all adults!

I truly feel brain dead.


Should I just shut up and fake all the lies for family unity?

– Grieving

Dear Grieving: No. You shouldn’t fake anything.

Your father seems to take up a lot of space. I suggest that you let his new wife provide the attention he seems to demand. He is her problem now. Do your best to avoid their histrionics, stay calm, and focus on your own healing and progress.


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