Life Advice



Ask Amy: Self-taught expert oversteps with advice

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: For the past four years my husband and I have invited two ladies to join us in sharing a condo we rent in Mexico.

One woman, who I thought was a close friend, brought the other along and I grew to really like her. We enjoy them.

They get a real deal when they visit, as we charge them a minimal rent.

It started out as seven days. Then they asked for two weeks, but I told them that 10 days was really my limit.

One year, they invited a third woman along without even consulting me. I told them I wasn't open to that.

The problem I'm having is that they are never in touch during the year. I’m not invited anywhere with them. Both women are divorced, and I am not, and perhaps that's part of it.


I wonder if I'm just being used as a nice place to stay in the winter.

I recently saw on Facebook that they're going to Florida for a vacation, and I'm hurt that I wasn't invited.

Am I overreacting — or am I being played?

– Left Out


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