Life Advice



Elderly woman defends her right to drink

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

In addition to possible liver damage, alcohol use actually disrupts a person's sleep patterns. It is a depressant. Alcohol could interact with medication you are taking. Alcohol use also inhibits your balance and significantly increases your risk of falling.

Generally, when people get defensive about their drinking, it is because they are pushing back against the possibility of admitting to having a problem.

If your kids asked me, I'd suggest that they attend Al-anon meetings ( as a way to manage their stress over your drinking. Perhaps you could pass this suggestion along to them.

Dear Amy: My daughter is 30 years old, lives about seven hours from us and works full time. Her stepfather and I visit her at least once a year, and she also visits us on holidays and special days.

When we visit we stay in an Airbnb. While we are there, we take her out for all of our meals. She calls me several times a week, and I feel like our relationship is close.

Months ago, she indicated she was going to make her favorite meal for us. I told her we were quite excited. Then she said she wanted me to pay for the groceries.


This felt like a slap in the face.

I am wondering what I did wrong that she is behaving like she is still a college student?

Her father and I paid for her undergraduate degree and subsidized her while she earned her graduate degree.

I also recently gave her a large sum of money to pay off most of her graduate degree debt.


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