Health Advice



Oral nicotine pouches deliver lower levels of toxic substances than smoking – but that doesn’t mean they’re safe

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Oral nicotine pouches – like Zyn and Velo in the U.S. – appear to be less toxic than cigarettes and deliver comparable levels of nicotine. This makes them an alternative for people who smoke. However, people who’ve never smoked are using them, too, and youth are open to trying them. These are key findings of our recent systematic review...Read more

Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America

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Adolescence and young adulthood is a time of identity formation, when young people figure out who they are and who they want to be. One of the ways they do this is by considering the world around them, paying attention to social issues and starting to understand their society and their place in it. Laws and policies signal to young people ...Read more

Sejal Parekh/KFF Health News/TNS

'I try to stay strong': Mom struggles to get diagnosis for son's developmental problems

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

CASTRO VALLEY, Calif. — Four-year-old Ahmeir Diaz-Thornton couldn’t sit still in class and rarely ate his lunch. While his preschool classmates spoke in perfect sentences, Ahmeir had trouble pronouncing words.

Ahmeir’s preschool teacher relayed her concerns to his mother, Kanika Thornton, who was already worried about Ahmeir’s refusal ...Read more


Health worker for a nonprofit? The new ban on noncompete contracts may not help you

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Many physicians and nurses are happy about the Federal Trade Commission’s new rule banning the use of noncompete agreements in employment contracts. But they are disappointed that it may not protect those who work for nonprofit hospitals and health care facilities, which provide most of the nation’s care and employ the largest number of ...Read more


Ask the Pediatrician: What are the benefits of family meals?

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Does it seem like the busier your family gets, the slimmer the chances are that you'll see each other at dinner -- or any other meal, for that matter?

If you answered yes, don't feel guilty. Life demands a lot of everyone, your kids included—and many families find it hard to block out time for shared meals. But here's something that might ...Read more


Antibiotics wreak havoc on the gut. Can we kill the bad bugs and spare the good ones?

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Inside every human is a thriving zoo of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microscopic organisms collectively known as the microbiome. Trillions of microbes live in the digestive tract alone, a menagerie estimated to contain more than 1,000 species.

This ecosystem of tiny stuff affects our health in ways science is only beginning to understand,...Read more

Vitali Michkou/Dreamstime/TNS

Empowering Lives: Navigating Parkinson's disease with hope

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

LA CROSSE, Wis. ― Parkinson's disease touches every aspect of a person's life, from the physical to the emotional, often leaving individuals feeling isolated and overwhelmed.

However, amid the challenges, there is a beacon of hope—new treatments and simple lifestyle changes are making a significant difference, empowering those diagnosed to...Read more


New fathers should be screened for postpartum depression too, study says

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Joel Gratcyk remembers the moment he finally broke.

He pulled his car off to the side of the road, tears streaming down his face. His newfound fatherhood was supposed to be one of the happiest times of his life. Instead, he was sinking deep into a heavy sadness while his infant son sat in the back seat.

It was all too much. The stress, the ...Read more

Fathers need to care for themselves as well as their kids – but often don’t

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If you had to choose, which would you rather have: a healthy father or a good father?

Studies suggest men often choose being a good father over being healthy.

Becoming a father is a major milestone in the life of a man, often shifting the way he thinks from being “me focused” to “we focused.” But fatherhood can also ...Read more

Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post/TNS

Colorado youth mental health improved in first post-pandemic survey

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DENVER — Colorado high school students seem to be feeling better mentally, with the number reporting signs of poor mental health not only falling from its pandemic high, but in some cases hitting the lowest level since the state started surveying youth in 2013, though it also found youth don’t always feel safe in school, and problems with ...Read more


FDA official: The risk of secondary cancer from CAR-T therapy, pioneered at Penn, is less than feared

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PHILADELPHIA — The risk of secondary cancer after CAR-T therapy, pioneered at Penn, is less than regulators feared last year, an FDA official said Friday at cell and gene therapy conference in King of Prussia.

The FDA had announced in November that it was studying a handful of cases where patients developed lymphoma after being treated with ...Read more

The Baltimore Sun/Baltimore Sun/TNS

Maryland commissioners approve grant intended to help dementia patients

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BALTIMORE — Carroll County is working to bring more help, support and resources to people suffering with dementia.

The Board of Carroll County Commissioners unanimously gave approval Thursday to the county’s Bureau of Aging and Disabilities, which is part of the Department of Citizen Services, to file an application for a $26,732 state ...Read more

Calls to US poison centers spiked after ‘magic mushrooms’ were decriminalized

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Calls to poison control centers spiked across the U.S. for adolescents and young adults exposed to the hallucinogen psilocybin, according to our analysis of data from 55 U.S. poison centers between 2013 and 2022. The calls increased after 2019 when psilocybin was decriminalized and legalized in several cities and states.

Psilocybin is...Read more


Advances in medulloblastoma treatment for children

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Though rare, medulloblastoma is the most common cancerous brain tumor in children. These tumors begin in the lower back part of the brain called the cerebellum, which is important for balance, coordination and movement. Medulloblastomas are embryonal tumors that grow from embryonal cells left over from fetal development.

"Of all the tumors we ...Read more


Mayo Clinic Minute: Can lifestyle changes help with enlarged prostate?

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also called an enlarged prostate, is incredibly common, especially among men over 40. While it's not the same as prostate cancer, an enlarged prostate can cause significant quality of life issues.

Dr. Scott Cheney, a Mayo Clinic urologist, says there are ways to treat it and reduce the symptoms, including some ...Read more

MANDEL NGAN/Getty Images North America/TNS

Bird flu tests are hard to get. So how will we know when to sound the pandemic alarm?

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Stanford University infectious disease doctor Abraar Karan has seen a lot of patients with runny noses, fevers, and irritated eyes lately. Such symptoms could signal allergies, COVID, or a cold. This year, there’s another suspect, bird flu — but there’s no way for most doctors to know.

If the government doesn’t prepare to ramp up H5N1 ...Read more

Supreme Court unanimously concludes that anti-abortion groups have no standing to challenge access to mifepristone – but the drug likely faces more court challenges

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On June 13, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously decided to uphold access to mifepristone, one of two pills used in medication abortion. Mifepristone has long been used safely and effectively in medication abortions around the world.

Shortly after the 2022 Dobbs decision that overturned 50 years of abortion rights,...Read more

Pratchaya Leelapatchayanont/Dreamstime/TNS

All about tonsil stones

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Your tonsils are oval-shaped pads of tissue in the back of your throat, one on each side.

They work as part of your body's immune system to filter bacteria and viruses. Tonsils also make white blood cells and antibodies to help fight infections.

What are tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones form from substances like food particles that become lodged...Read more


Exercise timing conundrum: Optimal workout timing

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

It's a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? According to Future Member, about 41% of workouts take place between 7-9 AM or 5-7 PM.

"The debate is intriguing with proponents of both morning and evening workouts citing various benefits," says Andrew Jagim, M.D., director of sports ...Read more

Sarah Jane Tribble/KFF Health News/TNS

End of pandemic internet subsidies threatens a health care lifeline for rural America

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

FORT HALL RESERVATION, Idaho — Myrna Broncho realized just how necessary an internet connection can be after she broke her leg.

In fall 2021, the 69-year-old climbed a ladder to the top of a shed in her pasture. The roof that protects her horses and cows needed to be fixed. So, drill in hand, she pushed down.

That’s when she slipped.

...Read more