


Marijuana Is A Big Non At The Paris Olympics

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Marijuana is a HUGE no for Olympics athletes – and for guests visiting Paris, it is also a French non (wink wink).

Like most sporting organizations, cannabis use, even for medical reasons, is a big no go for athletes. The Olympics are no exception. While the WADA guidance says they can use the cannabidiol (CBD), athletes are prohibited ...Read more

Marijuana Is A Big Non At The Paris Olympics

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Marijuana is a HUGE no for Olympics athletes – and for guests visiting Paris, it is also a French non (wink wink).

Like most sporting organizations, cannabis use, even for medical reasons, is a big no go for athletes. The Olympics are no exception. While the WADA guidance says they can use the cannabidiol (CBD), athletes are prohibited ...Read more

Has Marijuana Become A Political Football

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With almost 90% of the country believing it should be legal in some form, especially among younger voters – who is going to be the party make the goal?

The presidential race is heating up and both parties are grappling with changing demographics and a tight race.  Also, there will be 41 million new Gen Z voters who will be able to ...Read more

Are Women More Sensitive To THC

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It does does with alcohol, but does marijuana effect women differently?

While we can put together people in general categories – men, women, Indian, left-handed, each person is slightly  different…and some categories are different than others.  So are women more sensitive to THC in cannabis?  Reactions to alcohol is different between ...Read more

Physicians And Public Back Rescheduling In a Big Way

Health / Cannabis Daily /

After a rough few weeks, the political change might be a help to the cannabis industry

It has been a wild week when it comes to politics and the cannabis industry is holding its breath. The Biden administration made a promise during the 2020 election to move toward  legalization, but didn’t move on it until late 2023, and no real action ...Read more

CBD And Other Good Ways To Fight Acne

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While common, it can be a pain and also make you feel insecure during a time growing up…can CBD and other things helps?

It is very common, but can really do a number on people. A large portion of those 11-30 get acne at some point, but even those older can find it popping up. It is a pain to treat and what tiggers it is not fully understood...Read more

Is Harris The Answer For The Cannabis Industry

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After a rough few weeks, the political change might be a help to the cannabis industry

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) seems to be on a path to squash the cannabis industry. He recently allowed a group to petition to slow, delay or stop the rescheduling process and is known for being a foe of the marijuana industry.  Left unchecked, he ...Read more

Key Facts About Medical Marijuana

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The cannabis industry has been in the news with Speaker Johnson allowing bills to slow or stop the growth. But science and doctors say it has benefits.

The Speaker for the House of Representatives has tacitly given his approval for reducing the public’s access to marijuana. This is at odds with with 85% of the public, who believe it should ...Read more

The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans

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Soldiers have returned with PTSD and other serious ailments. The AMA and science said medical marijuana can help – but time may be running out.

In an acknowledgement from the medical community, the American Medical Association supports the rescheduling of cannabis to a Schedule III because it has proven medical benefits. A portion of the ...Read more

What Are Cannabis And CBD Topicals

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Wrinkles, aches and pains are all part of life – but maybe CBD and cannabis can make it a bit easier.

Summer is time of sunburns, bug bites and more…all annoying during fun in in the sun.  What are cannabis and CBD topicals and can they help?  These products are creams and can help with wrinkles, localized pain and more. How do they ...Read more

Marijuana Highs In Flower, Edibles and Others

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Each journey is unique…but here are some differences in marijuana high in flower, edibles and others More people are leaning into cannabis and leaning away from alcohol. The marijuana of the 60s and 70s has given way to the marijuana of the 2020s. More people are comfortable consuming and a majority believes it should be legal. But for many, ...Read more

Marijuana Can Bond Grandparents To Family

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Like wine with dinner or a beer in the backyard, marijuana is becoming very common.

With almost 60% of adults drinking alcohol, it has been a staple of family events. Relatives including grandparents, cousins, adult grandkids and more have sat at a table and toasted with beer, wine or booze….and now cannabis may be in the mix.  As ...Read more

Data Says Summer Is The Time To Try New Things

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Summer is the time of fun, sun and trying new things – at least for most people.

While in school, summer was the dream. Weeks of days open to adventure, sleeping in, exploring and hanging with friends. It held a magical quality and there usually always seemed something new to try. It turns out people carry the feeling into adulthood, in ...Read more

Does George Clooney Use Weed

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He is one the most famous global faces and is connected to tequila – but does George Clooney use weed?

Despite not having a hit movie in over 10 years, George Clooney is one of the planet’s A-listers. Mingling with royalty, the power elite at Davos, political heavyweights in the US or just hanging with other celebrities, Clooney is ...Read more

Can Marijuana Deepen Your Meditation

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Meditation is very popular and can be helpful in times of change, growth or stress…and marijuana might help

Between 200-300 million people practice mediation around the world. The benefits include better sleep, reduced tension, help with focus and concentration and anxiety reduction. It can benefit you even if you just do it for 5-10 ...Read more

What Is Cannabis Juicing

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it is popular, fun and filling – and some claim helpful to the body…juicing is big – but about doing it with cannabis? Juicing is continuing to grow and become mainstream with juice bars popping up everwhere. It viewed as another way to eat healthy, quick and get some needed vegetables and fruits in just one drink. It has grown to over ...Read more

Cannabis Can Help Introverts Be More Social

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Get togethers can be miserable for introverts – marijuana can help.

Introverts have a tough go, extroverts think they need help, bur really they need time and space to adjust and think. Some introverts have anxiety, but not all. Introverts can’t be “fixed” if they go to the right event. The truth is has more nuisance and marijuana ...Read more

The Presidential Debate May Have Helped Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The Presidential debate has fed the news cycle for almost two weeks…but is the real winner marijuana?

In a break from tradition, the two presidential candidate agreed to a new debate format hosted by CNN. Historically, the Commission on Presidential Debates ran the show, but both the leaders for the Republicans and Democrats went with a new...Read more

The Best Hacks To Have A Better Marijuana Experience

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Sometimes you just want to up the experience – you deserve a treat or it was really a day – have we got a hack for you!

If you aren’t brand new to cannabis, you have gotten to know your high. Like alcohol, people tend to have a favorite which gives you an expected experience. It might have to do with taste, mood, or just a favorite go to...Read more

Marijuana May Become Part Of Your July 4th Tradition

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Crowds, travel, traffic and family – all part of the biggest holiday over the summer…maybe marijuana can help July 4th is the American Summer holiday – most people wrap some time off and so it can be chock full with activities, travel, friends and family.  But sometime it can be too crowded, too busy and too much on the road. Marijuana ...Read more