


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

One of the most remarkable endgame compositions you can run across. This is one of those problems that we fully don’t expect you to see it to the end, but please play the solution through to the end. If you saw the 4th move coming on move one, pat yourself on the back!

A study by Troitzky. 1.Bf3 Nd6 1...Kf8 2.Bxb7 Nb6 3.a8Q+ Nxa8 4.Bxa8 and after White picks up the pawns, the K,B and N will force mate. 2.Bxa8 2.Bd5+? Kf8 3.Bxa8 Nb5 4.Nc2 Nxa7 is drawn 2...Nc8 3.Bd5+ Kh8 4.a8B!! 4.a8=Q Stalemate. Same for the rook.; 4.a8=N Ne7+ 5.Kg5 Nxd5 doesn't work either. And now a very long, even bizarre, road to the win takes place. Well worth playing this through to see it unfold. A very unique take on the advantage of having the two bishops. 4...Nb6 5.Kg5 Na4 6.Bc4 Nc3 7.Bad5 Kh7 8.Bg8+ Kh8 9.Kg6 Ne4 10.Bd3 Nc3 11.Bgc4 Nb1 12.Bxe2 Nd2 13.Bd5 Nb1 14.Nf3 Nc3 15.Bdc4 Ne4 16.Ne5 Nf6 17.Be6 Ne8 18.B2c4 Nf6 19.Bf5 Nd5 20.Nf7+ Kg8 21.Bxd5 Kf8 22.Bg4 Ke8 23.Kxg7 Ke7 24.Bge6 Ke8 25.Kf6 Kf8 26.Nd8 Ke8 27.Nc6 Kf8 28.Kg6 Ke8 29.Bf3 Kf8 30.Bh5 Ke8 31.Kg7# What an incredible brain to create this!


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