


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Yes or No. Can White win this? Prove your yes or no with moves!

Early on, chess players are taught that a rook pawn and king and bishop cannot win if the opposing king is on the promotion square and that promotion square is the opposite color of the bishop. This is generally correct; however, this position is a win for White: 1.Be6 Ke7 [1...Kf8 2.h6 Ke7 3.h7] 2.h6 Kf6 3.Bf5 Kf7 4.Bh7 Kf6 5.Kf4 Kf7 6.Kf5 Ke7 7.Bg8 Kf8 8.Be6 Ke7 9.Ke5 [9.h7 works, too.] 9...Kf8 10.Kd6 Ke8 11.h7 Kf8 12.h8=Q# This is an exception worth knowing.


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