


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

As you can see, that little group in the lower left hand corner is irrelevant to solving this problem. However, it does make an interesting point. If the king were where the White pawn on f6 is, and the lower left-hand corner group were gone, White couldn’t force a mate with just a king and two knights. The lowly pawn gets to show why it can help mate the Black king. A nice twist! Look for another one!


This time, it’s the horses that do the corralling: 1.Ndf5 Kh8 2.f7 Kh7 3.f8=N+ [3.f8=Q would be stalemate!]3...Kh8 4.Nd7 Kh7 5.Nf6+ Kh8 6.Ng6#


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