


White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A neat endgame win by Ivanchuk.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

No more castling problems, but I was intrigued with G.F. Anderson’s work with the April 15th puzzle. Here’s one he did with C.C. Palmer. A mate in two.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

In continuing our theme, here’s a mate in two.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

If you did Friday’s puzzle, you have a hint on today’s solution. But don’t forget to do your income tax first! It’s a mate in four.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Many of you will recognize this Sam Loyd classic. I’m having it do an encore bow so as to give you a hint as to next week’s puzzles.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A dazzling display by a minister during the Major Open of the British Championship in 1929.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A very minimalist position with a charming key. It’s a mate in two.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A great Friday challenge for you! It’s a mating attack, which needs forcing moves. The toughest defense makes you go eight moves.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

White’s the exchange down and his queen is attacked, so it is necessary to come up with something—quickly!

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

It is Black’s move, and White is threatening a mate in one. How should Black stop White from winning?

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This position is won so many different ways. Gligoric picked a very imaginative way.

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Ed Gamble The Pajama Diaries Jimmy Margulies Dave Granlund Aunty Acid Bob Englehart