


Is rejecting Jesus the unpardonable sin?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: What is the unpardonable sin? My son claims that his daughter has committed this sin and I want to understand what this means. -- F.G.

A: The unpardonable sin involves the total and irrevocable rejection of Jesus Christ. Stephen, the first martyr, called out to those who were stiff-necked, always resisting the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). As long as the Spirit of God strives with a person, he or she has not committed the unpardonable sin. But when a person has so resisted the Holy Spirit that the Spirit strives no more, then there is eternal danger.

The fatal infection of sin in the hearts of unregenerate people can cause them to resist the Holy Spirit. The flesh and the reprobate mind always fight Him. When people do this, they will not receive the Word of God in its power unless the Holy Spirit gains victory over them.

There is a way for the sinner to be forgiven for resisting the Holy Spirit: Surrender to Jesus to whom the Spirit bears witness and receive His forgiveness.


There are many people who live in fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin; they agonize over it, are frightened by it, and think themselves doomed, tricking themselves into believing that it is too late to repent and receive Christ as Savior. This is Satan's deception. God calls to unrepentant hearts to hear His voice and come to Him.

We should always urge men everywhere to repent and turn to Jesus since we do not know when the Spirit has stopped dealing with them. And let us pray that those about whom we are most uncertain, may yet respond to the Good News that Jesus saves and sends His Holy Spirit to give believers direction, discernment, power, and faith to obey Him.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)





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