From the Right



Even With Biden Out, Obama-Clinton Friction Remains

Ruben Navarrett Jr. on

And this: "I believe the huge sums of unlimited and often secret money pouring into our politics is a fundamental threat to our democracy. ... Because the middle class will never have a fighting chance in this country as long as just several hundred families, the wealthiest families, control the process."

And this: "I believe we have to end the divisive partisan politics that is ripping this country apart. ... It's mean-spirited. It's petty. ... I don't think we should look at Republicans as our enemies. They are our opposition; they're not our enemies."

To recap, Biden has little tolerance for Democrats who go out of their way to point out disagreements with Obama, raise obscene amounts of money, are mean-spirited and petty, and treat the opposition as enemies.

Oh my. Who does that sound like? And to think there were those in the media who asked why Biden didn't conclude his remarks with an endorsement of the Democratic front-runner. Aren't they paying attention? It's clear in listening to Biden that he thinks that Clinton is not the solution but more like the problem.

It's tricky for someone running for president to figure out how much deference to pay to an incumbent administration of the same party. It's a dilemma that was once faced by a sitting vice president who wanted the top job and, concerned about negative pushback against scandals and failures, made what many political observers consider the fatal mistake of trying to distance himself from a two-term administration to which he had contributed much and of which he was a major part.


The year was 2000. The candidate was Al Gore. And the administration was that of President Bill Clinton. Ask Democrats who they have more respect and affection for now -- Al Gore or Bill Clinton. The former president wins.

Now, as she delicately tries to define her relationship to the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton finds herself in much the same position that Gore did back then. Democrats should hope she makes better choices.


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