From the Right



Don't Dare Take Ted Cruz Lightly

Ruben Navarrett Jr. on

SAN DIEGO -- Does the world of commentary really need another column bashing Ted Cruz for having the audacity to hope that he could be president?

I'll pass. As you may have noticed, the mainstream media are like birds on a wire. Reporters, pundits, and producers -- especially those in Washington and New York -- tend to cover the same stories, interview the same folks, and advance the same views.

From much of the media coverage of Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, you'd think the law is simply about allowing discrimination against gays and lesbians.

That could have been part of the intent. Apparently, some of the Hoosiers behind the new law have also crusaded against gay marriage.

Still, I've known, interviewed, and written about Gov. Mike Pence -- the law's chief defender -- for almost 10 years, since he was in Congress. And he is smart, inclusive and fair-minded. Pence said Tuesday he wants Indiana lawmakers to clarify that the law "does not give anyone a license to deny services to gay and lesbian couples."

Glad to hear it. But why wasn't this law clear from the beginning?


Meanwhile, it would be refreshing to see the media clarify that there is another side to this issue. Should people be forced to go against their religious beliefs?

And when it comes to Ted Cruz, the safe and conventional position for journalists, commentators and political experts is to argue that the firebrand is too extreme, too volatile, and too unelectable to be a viable presidential candidate. The 44-year-old junior senator from Texas doesn't have the temperament, experience or people skills, we are told. And the fact that Cruz, a Republican, is disliked by both parties supposedly points to some character flaw on his part, and not, say, the fact that the parties are now more alike than different.

This is the path of least resistance. Write and say these things, and your colleagues won't challenge or criticize you.

But the truth will lead you in a different direction. My colleagues underestimate Cruz at their peril. I've known him for more than a dozen years -- back when he was working for the Federal Trade Commission during the George W. Bush administration, long before anyone outside of his circle of family, friends and acquaintances had ever heard of him.


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