From the Right



Angst Season for Hispanics

Ruben Navarrett Jr. on

There is a new brand of division engulfing the Hispanic community, and much of the blame belongs to Obama. Based on his record number of deportations and other policies, Obama can be justifiably called the most anti-immigrant president in modern U.S. history. It's the fact that this distinction has gone to a Democrat that is fueling much of the division.

It's as if the president's Hispanic advisers -- the spinners the White House sends out to do damage control whenever Obama slights our community -- told him our secret: That most Hispanics who are U.S. citizens don't really care what happens to immigrants, especially the undocumented. 

You might have gotten the opposite impression from hearing activists rail against Republicans who bash immigrants. But this had more to do with attacking Republicans than defending immigrants.

Meanwhile, others are insisting that Hispanics have to exercise their voting franchise. Otherwise, they say, elected officials will ignore us. 

Take it from a Democratic elected official who ignores us -- House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who recently urged Hispanics to turn out if those who support immigration reform want to "see results from the Republicans."

Unbelievable. What happened to seeing results from Democrats? You know, the party that actually owes a debt to Hispanics for their decades of support? From 2007-2011, when Pelosi was House speaker, she kept immigration reform off the agenda. She is an expert at demanding support from Hispanics, and offering nothing in return -- except deflection.


At this point, Hispanics fall into two camps: those who have had enough of the neglect, division and manipulation, and those who haven't. 

Which group are you in?


Ruben Navarrette's email address is

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