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Combatting Arthritis Commonly Found In Pets

Beverly Maniago on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

When your pet develops arthritis, it will certainly affect their disposition and mobility. The pain and inflammation may even cause some to experience a fever. If you see your dog or cat favoring one leg over the over, limping, and is reluctant to do the common activities it once loved to do, you need to set an appointment with your veterinarian.

Because genetics plays a part to the development of this debilitating condition, you cannot really do anything to prevent your pet from suffering from arthritis, more commonly seen in large-breed dogs. However, a diagnosis among smaller dogs and cats is not that uncommon.

If your pet is predisposed to this condition, make sure that you keep him lean and fit Ensure that your dog or cat does not become overweight, as extra weight is a risk factor for disease development, and exacerbates the condition if your pet already has it. Control their diets, giving them proper food portions and refraining from giving treats all the time.

Arthritis can also be brought on by infection or accident, may develop over time or be manifested right after trauma to the joints.

When your pet is already diagnosed with arthritis, the veterinarian may recommend several medications to administer whenever arthritic pain flare up. There are several choices of pain relievers and steroids capable of addressing the pain your pet is experiencing. Just be sure to ask for the right dosage and proper way of administering these drugs. For maintenance, there are also several dietary supplements that, just like in humans, alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are examples of these supplements. These compounds are identified building blocks of cartilage, the cushiony substance found between joints and serves to facilitate the sliding of joint bones against each other. Over time or due to infection and trauma, the cartilage may be damaged, thus making movement painful. Products containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are known to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis. Furthermore, it can halt the damage done on cartilage and may repair the affected parts.


There are a lot of supplements available in the market, though study shows that those in liquid form are more effective in achieving arthritis relief, as it is easily absorbed into the system. One product in particular that is popular and a leader in its field is Synflex Liquid Glucosamine for Pets. Synflex is especially effective in addressing arthritis in pets. Original Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine was such a success the manufacturer delivered another quality Syn-flex product for pets in Beef Flavor.

Accompany the intake of supplements with regular though low-key exercise to maintain joint flexibility. Avoid overtaxing your pet's muscles and joints, as this can enhance deterioration. Take your dog to walks in a leash and provide ramps whenever he gets into your car. Refrain from asking your dog to run and fetch. Swimming is also good for the arthritic limb, as it takes the weight off affected joint and allows for range-of-motion exercises.

Provide a warm environment for your pet, as cold weather can induce the flare up of arthritis. If you can, turn the thermostat in your house down a bit. Make sure that your pets also have comfortable beddings. There are orthopedic mattresses available that are especially designed not only to ensure a good night sleep but also facilitates in getting up in the morning. However, old towels and sweaters would also be fine, as long it provide a good traction and not cause your pet to slip while getting out of its sleeping area.

It is also worth considering when your veterinarian suggests surgery for your pet. Surgical procedures are done either to halt the damage on recently developed arthritis or to replace joints damaged beyond repair.

For an arthritic pet, I would first consider a natural and very safe supplement such as the glucosamine product mentioned earlier. Some of the pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed to dogs have been known to have some serious side effects.


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