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The Kitchn: How to make crunchy granola in the slow cooker

By Kelli Foster on

The real key to making crunchy granola in your slow cooker is air flow. Those sweet coated oats and nuts rely on that steady flow to transform from soft and chewy to the crisp, toasty texture you expect from a batch of granola.

When the slow cooker is fully covered with the lid, it creates a warm environment that's full of moisture. That's great for cooking, but not exactly ideal for toasty granola. Instead, top your slow cooker with the lid, but leave it slightly askew so the bowl is only partially covered. This will help pull all that extra moisture out of the cooker.

Use a baking sheet for faster cooling

Once the granola is finished cooking, and before packing it away in containers, do be sure to let it cool completely. This is also the time when it will crisp up even more. You can certainly leave it in the slow cooker to cool, but because it's piled high and the bowl is still warm, it will take a while. If you want to speed things along, spread the granola over a baking sheet. The increased surface area will cool the granola and up the crunch factor even faster.

Granola in the Slow Cooker

Makes about 5 cups



Cooking spray, olive oil or coconut oil, for greasing the slow cooker

4 cups old-fashioned rolled oats

1 cup raw nuts and/or seeds, such as almonds, walnuts or pecans


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