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The Kitchn: Braised short ribs cooked multiple ways

By Faith Durand on

However, you can also do these in the slow cooker or on the stovetop -- just refer to the instructions at the end of the recipe below.

To Chill or Not to Chill?

Short ribs usually come with quite a bit of fat, and while you can trim some of this off before cooking I prefer not to, since it insulates the meat and keeps it moist and tender while cooking.

But all that fat, melted off during cooking, can give a pronounced greasy feel to the meat. So I prefer to chill short ribs overnight and remove the chilled fat before reheating and serving. They reheat easily on the stove or in the oven and usually taste even better with this overnight rest.

This step is also why I think short ribs are such a convenient dinner party dish! You can do all the work the day before then just reheat and serve.

Braised Short Ribs


Serves 4

3 pounds short ribs, bone-in

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


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