Home & Leisure



Board member rebuffs condo owner after failed lawsuit

Q: I know you’ve answered a lot of questions about HOAs in the past. But I haven’t seen you address my particular situation: Would a lawsuit against our condo association, whether I won or lost, typically prohibit all future correspondence directly with the homeowner association board of directors?

I live in Virginia. I sued my HOA in small...Read more

As society moves to a more digital world, some real estate documents still require a ‘wet’ copy

Q: Just read your story where the writer said their mother wants to put her house into a living trust. Excellent article! I’d like to add one thing that I’m sure that you know, but many people likely don’t know.

I don’t know about other states, but in Illinois, when the trustee dies and the beneficiary becomes the successor trustee, the...Read more

Marina owner's trees block homeowner’s waterfront view

Q: Fifty years ago I purchased a lot in a community in Maryland. I paid a higher price for this lot due to its better view. Several years after buying the lot, I built my house on it.

My lot is adjacent to a marina. The marina has gone through various owners and today’s owner has allowed the Leyland cypress trees to grow 30 plus feet tall, ...Read more

Trendy, modern open floor plans are not for everyone

Q: I know this isn’t your usual type of question, but when on earth are people going to stop tearing down supporting walls in their houses in the quest for open floor plans? This trend turns a house into public space, robbing anybody of any privacy. Worse, it shrinks kitchens by taking away a whole wall of cupboard space, makes it impossible ...Read more



Wallace The Brave Gary Varvel Kirk Walters Ed Wexler John Branch Herb and Jamaal