


Carmelite nuns block Vatican-appointed representative from entering Arlington, Texas, monastery

Elizabeth Campbell, Fort Worth Star-Telegram on

Published in Religious News

The legal battle between the Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity and Bishop Michael Olson may be over after a second lawsuit was dismissed on Wednesday, but another fight involving orders from the Vatican over who has authority over the nuns is brewing.

On Wednesday and Thursday, a representative appointed by Rome was turned away when she tried to enter the monastery to deliver letters from the Vatican to the nine cloistered nuns. They do not want to be governed or managed by the Association of Christ the King, the Carmelite order appointed to govern and manage operations of the monastery, according to the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth.

A spokesperson for the diocese wrote in an email, “The Diocese does not know what will happen next because this is a matter between the Vatican and the Christ the King Association.”

The diocese also stated in an email that a priest who accompanied the representative to celebrate Mass for the nuns was also turned away Thursday.

On Wednesday, Mother Marie of the Incarnation, president of the Carmelite Association of Christ the King, issued a statement which said in part, “Today, in obedience to the Decree of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, I visited the Arlington Carmel and attempted to present to each Sister the letters which the Dicastery had directed me to give to each individually. Unfortunately, I was rejected and not granted admittance.”

But the nuns countered with a statement that asked Olson to apologize publicly and in person, calling his investigation into allegations that the Rev. Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach violated her chastity vows with a priest “abusive.”

“In respect of the decrees upholding Bishop Olson’s investigation of allegations against our Mother Prioress, we repeat that his investigations were flawed in radice, carried out in an intimidatory manner and violated her ecclesiastical and civil rights.”

Vatican decrees

On Tuesday, the Vatican issued several decrees upholding Olson’s decision to investigate Gerlach, who was accused of breaking her chastity vow with a priest from North Carolina.

But the Vatican overturned Olson’s decision to dismiss her from the Carmelite order because she did not “exert force or violence” and she did not have authority over the priest, the Rev. Phillip Johnson.

Olson said in a statement that he contacted the Diocese of Raleigh to report the priest’s misconduct. Olson also stated that the priest did not cooperate with his investigation.

But in court documents, Gerlach, who uses a wheelchair and often relies on a feeding tube, said she was recovering from surgery and on medication when Olson interviewed her about the alleged transgressions last year.

In their statement, the nuns wrote, “It is reprehensible that medical evidence proving these allegations to be completely unfounded and fabricated has been ignored by the Holy See.”



The Carmelite nuns filed their first lawsuit a year ago, alleging that Olson and the diocese engaged in property theft and invasion of privacy, stemming from a visit to the monastery when he interviewed Gerlach.

The suit was dismissed last June when a judge determined the court did not have jurisdiction over church disputes.

In August, the nuns issued a statement defying Olson’s authority and prohibited him from coming onto the monastery property. Olson countered with a statement warning the nuns they could be excommunicated if they did not follow his authority.

Then, last month, the sisters learned that the Association of Christ the King was appointed to govern and oversee management of the monastery. They filed a lawsuit seeking a temporary restraining order against Olson, the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth and the Association of Christ the King.

A hearing was scheduled for Thursday morning, but the court dismissed the lawsuit at the nuns’ request.

Matthew Bobo, an attorney representing the nuns, said in an email: “The Monastery and the Sisters are no longer in need of the Court’s relief as sought in the lawsuit and thus it was no longer necessary to proceed with the litigation. We are confident that the preservation of their corporate governance along with the protection of all their assets are secure from any actions the bishop and/or the Association of Christ the King in the USA might try and take going forward.”

The diocese also said in an emailed statement that the diocese was confident that the lawsuit would be dismissed because the court had no jurisdiction over church matters.

Olson said in his statement that he is grateful to Mother Marie of the Incarnate and the Association of Christ the King for taking on the responsibility for the monastery and for the nuns.

“This appointment by the Dicastery offers Mother Teresa Agnes the opportunity to seek restoration and recovery to live as a faithful member of the Carmelite Order in accordance with her religious vows but without the burdens of leadership that come with the office of prioress. It will also ensure that all the nuns within the monastery can be heard, rightly cared for and nurtured in their religious life in full communion with the Catholic Church.”


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