


Why I won't be drawn into divisive political squabbles

By Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on

Q: Blessings on you, Rabbi Marc. I have a very simple question. With the exception of Pope Francis, why has every clergy member, present company included, refused to speak of Donald Trump's behavior? He's the antithesis of Judeo-Christian values.

Thank you. -- From J

A: This is what I believe:

There has never been one city in America where all the good people have gone to live.

There has never been one religion in America under which all the good people pray.

There has never been one political party in America for which all the good people have gone to vote.


There has never been one President of the United States whom God has blessed with perfect virtue.

These beliefs animated the God Squad since Tommy and I formed it in 1987.

We also believed that getting sidetracked into pointless political squabbles diminished our real calling and our true message, which was, "We know enough about how we are different, but not enough about how we are all the same." I believe that it is our common grace to have all been made in the image of God, and it is the implications of that foundational belief of all three Abrahamic faiths that is my mission in my life and in this column -- now, sadly, without Tommy.

There must be a way -- we must all find a way -- to disagree in the political, religious and personal spheres of our existence without becoming disagreeable. The tactic of accusing those who disagree with you politically of supporting an evil demon is both false and also destructive. It is destructive of the one motto that does truly make America great: e pluribus unum, "Out of many, one." So, if you seek from me confirmation of your divisive political opinions you are going to need to find yourself a new rabbi -- and this would be true no matter who sits in the oval office.


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