


Where will the corruption of people's hearts end?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I was brought up to believe that the story of Noah’s Ark was a fairytale and the great flood a myth. Visiting “The Ark” taught me so much about the Bible, and archaeology verifies this historical account. What astounded me most, though, was to hear why the flood came about — because of the sin in people’s hearts. People’s hearts today seem as corrupted. Where will this all end? – H.M.

A: “Archaeology Substantiates Noah’s Flood,” said the London Times in 1929. The article that followed gave an archaeologist’s view of the civilization that existed prior to the flood. The Bible also gives a vivid account of the corruption and the sin of that day.

At least 2,000 years of human history had intervened since the spotless purity of Eden. During that same period there had been a vast increase in population with woeful deterioration resulting in appalling moral corruption. Sin, crime, immorality, the breaking of home life, unnatural affection, murders, demon possession — these were common characteristics of the civilization immediately preceding the deluge. The great civilization that had taken years to build was destroyed in the space of 40 days.

The flood didn’t destroy the people of that day; sin had already done its deadly work of eating out the heart and core of the ancient civilization before the flood came. There is a fundamental law of God, a law apparent from Genesis to Revelation, which says, “The wages of sin is death.” The wages of a nation’s sin, the wages of an organization’s sin, the wages of individual sin, is death.


This is the reason God sent His Son to provide a way of escape, and all who hope for a better life should put their trust in Christ and His Gospel. “Trust in Him at all times” (Psalm 62:8, NKJV). God will never let us down.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2023 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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