


Jerry Zezima: The diamond's in the details

Jerry Zezima, Tribune News Service on

Published in Lifestyles

On this day, those hands belonged to Jose Cruz and Jorge Estrada, who let me lend a helping hand so I could be handed a compliment by Sue when she found out that my cleaning efforts weren’t for the birds.

I began by using a clay bar, a lubricated pad that removes dirt, grime and, yes, bird droppings.

“Go in a circular motion,” Edgar instructed.

“Good job,” said Jose, who has been in the business for almost 30 years.

Jorge, a relative newcomer with seven years’ experience, was impressed by my ability to hose off the lubricant without soaking myself to the skin.

All three men were relieved when I didn’t lose a finger while using an electric buffer to clean the floor pads of Sue’s car.


“That machine can break your hand,” Edgar warned.

“If it does,” I told him, “you can call me Lefty.”

I got high grades for using a shammy to polish Sue’s trunk.

“I’m really taking a shine to this,” I said.


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