


Nebraska tourism ad highlights 'flat, boring landscape'


Published in Weird News

(UPI) The Nebraska Tourism Commission unveiled a new marketing campaign poking fun at what it thinks is the state's dull reputation.

The commission aims to increase tourism to the state by changing the perception there is nothing to do in Nebraska, but the campaign first acknowledges it has been perceived that way.

"Lucky for you, there's nothing to do here," a print advertisement reads, while making fun of that perception by showing a picture of people smiling while leisurely floating down the Sand Hill stream in livestock tanks.

"Nebraska may not be on everyone's bucket list of places to visit, but if you like experiences that are unpretentious and uncomplicated or if you enjoy escaping the big city life for moments of solitude in the open plains, creating your own fun or exploring the quirkiness the state has to offer, chances are, you will like it here," a Nebraska Tourism Commission statement on the new advertising campaign said.


Another advertisement makes fun of the perception that Nebraska has dull natural scenery. It says the state is "famous for our flat, boring landscape," contrasted by an image of people leaping across rock formations in northwest Nebraska's Toadstool Geologic Park.

"What we set out to do is create a brand that is rooted in a core human value that is shared by Nebraskans and potential visitors to the state," Nebraska Tourism executive director John Ricks said in a statement. The new brand platform is defined by honesty. The overarching concept of honesty is rooted in a mindset that values transparency, purity and simplicity. A way of embracing the not-so-obvious bits of life. We feel we've accomplished just that.

Copyright 2018 by United Press International


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