


100-pound pet pig stolen from California home


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A California couple is desperately searching for their pet mini potbelly pig that was stolen from outside their home.

Mark and Jeannie Ackerman launched a GoFundMe page to help search for "Pig Pig" the 100-pound pet pig that disappeared from their backyard on Sunday.

"We are desperate to find her!" Ackerman wrote. She is very sweet, friendly and adventurous. These funds will be used as a reward for her safe return and to find her.

The couple fed Pig Pig breakfast and left her with water and shelter at about 9 a.m. as they left for a Father's Day BBQ, but when they returned the pet was nowhere to be found.

After a brief search they found the pig's kennel had been stolen and their home security cameras had also been ripped out, leading them to believe the pig was taken.


Pig Pig had disappeared from the family's home years ago and turned up at a local farm.

"She's been stolen before, when she was just a baby," Ackerman said.

The couple is concerned for Pig Pig's safety due to a heat warning in the area and are offering a cash reward of $500 for her return.

Copyright 2017 by United Press International


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