


Mercury and the Algorithm

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

An algorithm can feel like a kind of creature. It stalks you, dances with you, experiments with you, serves, irritates, hits and misses, all while trying to learn and ultimately manipulate you to its own purposes. These early days of Mercury in Virgo assert that we all have complexities, preferences and potentials that are vaster than any ...Read more

Mercury Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When Mercury, the communication planet, is in the sign of the cat, it trends toward things like cuteness, showmanship, swagger and improbable feats of showing off. Mercury slips into a Virgo suit today for a more subdued and industrious presentation. It's a reminder that there are many ways to attract, give and share attention. All that ...Read more

On the Eve of a Mercury Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Past events have a way of fueling your future success even if you don't remember them. Just because something is buried doesn't mean it ceases to exist, although it may change in context through time. What was just a coin or a bone becomes the clue to an entire existence. Similarly, what was buried as pain can be unearthed as treasure.

ARIES ...Read more

Double Oppositions

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's rare that two planetary oppositions would occur in the same day, but the pull across the sky from the realm of Leo produces just such a dynamic. The sun tugs on Pluto and the moon tugs on Mercury, challenging our notions of significance. What's important is always subjective. Since there are no universal laws regarding meaning, we are ...Read more

Solar Homecoming

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The passage of the sun into its home base of Leo recalls how location makes a difference in how talents are seen and acknowledged. Just as it's hard to see the stars when you're among city lights, sometimes mega-talents get missed amidst lesser wattage established in the vicinity. Also, note that there's nothing to fear in a lightless stretch....Read more

Buck Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Male deer shed their antlers in winter, and by July a new crowning glory sits atop their head, nature's way of helping them impress one another. The full moon in July is the Buck Moon, recalling any array of reasons to hold your head up and show what's growing from it. In the human sense, it's about sharing ideas and pitching creative ...Read more

Mars Madness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Mars breaks into Gemini to mix up the social realm. Relationships are for the brave because, on some level, they are an agreement to invest enough of yourself that it matters. The imperfection of reality is a guarantee that at some point whatever matters will bring pain. But if you're not agreeing to some amount of pain, you're not agreeing to...Read more

Antidote to Self-Consciousness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A lunar square to Neptune, the planet of vision, suggests that many of us will be trying to get things right and unable to tell how well we're doing. Don't let the question distract you. The further into service you get, the more absorbing it becomes until it's an immersive act with no room for doubt. The antidote to self-consciousness is ...Read more

Over the Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The moon's flirtation with Mercury in Leo is a reminder of joy's role in your life. When you feel joyful, it's much easier to give your time, heart and warmth, which will matter much more than other things you could give. With money, there's a pressure to invest well. But with joy, one needn't worry where it lands. Whatever you feel will ...Read more

Cosmic Recess Bell

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A bold playfulness rises with the moon, angles Venus in Leo and then negs Jupiter. We are like children watching the clock in the seconds before recess. But wait, it's summer, which means no school. And is it really necessary to get permission from a bell? The Sagittarian moon dares you to grant it to yourself.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). ...Read more

Telepathy Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

An extremely interactive Scorpio moon highlights psychic nudges almost to the point of telepathy. There's much going on inside the minds of others that they'll never verbalize. Those who realize this have an advantage. The gold goes to those with the sensitivity to guess what people are feeling but not saying and respond accordingly.

ARIES (...Read more

Bullish Conjunction

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus bodes well for aligned efforts. When practical demands and limits match emotional intentions, the work will feel easy and production will happen quickly. Hold off on the financial investment. Join ideas without signing up, subscribing or buying in. Use trial periods to find out what is worth ...Read more

The Lesson of Two Lunar Squares

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Success is more of a feeling than a destination. To arrive physically, it doesn't matter if you're running away from something or running toward something, as long as you're moving in the direction. To arrive emotionally, you could be going the wrong direction with the right purpose and still somehow arrive. Escape brings relief, but not a ...Read more

Partnership Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The moon in the sign of partnership offers up a square suggesting that no matter how close we are to our partners, there will always be matters of disagreement. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing. Agreeing to disagree is usually the kind route, as exerting influence and trying to sway someone from an opinion usually says more about the ...Read more

In the Season of Maternity

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

All humans are born of a mother. This is a theme of Cancer season, a constant return to the maternal. Whatever one's feelings are about it, the fact of life is that no human can grow without nurturing. Unlike the deer or the owl, we are a species with a brain so big it needs more time to form than the womb will allow. We are helpless until ...Read more

Trine of Seriousness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The trine of Venus and Neptune is a serious situation. You can turn the "serious lens" to whatever you need to train it on. Whether it's serious fun or something you need to "seriously" figure out or another category of seriousness entirely, you'll make it right. The point is that you're committed to a focus and you'll keep with it until the ...Read more

Cosmic Story Elements

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A lunar square, a solar trine and a juicy opposition give this day everything it needs to be its own little drama. The tension, the interesting characters, the high stakes, the odd twist -- it's all there waiting for someone with "main character energy" to step in and be the star. Whether you want to step into the spotlight or watch it from ...Read more

Planetary Power Shifts

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

There's a lunar pull to Pluto. Poor Pluto. Once a planet, demoted. And can you think of a time in your life when you felt brought down a notch or two? Well, no king lives forever, and no politician holds office infinitely. Recognizing the rise and fall is the theme of the day. In whatever ways, big or small, these movements of power are ...Read more

Tones of an Entertainment Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The moon and Mars are at odds, and then the moon and Uranus take up the same issue. It's about largeness. Who dominates a room with their presence? Who does it with their voice, their idea, their need? These are the elements requiring of attention and balancing. The way to balance something loud is to get distance from it. The way to balance ...Read more

Kitten Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Through the ever-changing landscape of social media, one thing that remains unchanged is the enduring popularity of cat videos. And since watching cute animals do unpredictable things brings joy, amusement and stress relief, cats are always trending. The moon in Leo is the mood booster that has us feeling like playful kittens today.

ARIES (...Read more



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