


Flower Power on

Published in Brain Teasers

Five women bought five different types of flowers for different reasons on different days.
Names: Julia, Amy, Bethany, Rachel, and Kristen
Flowers: Roses, Daisies, Lilies, Tulips, and Carnations
Colors: Purple, Yellow, Pink, White, and Peach
Places or Occasions: Backyard, Park, Office, Wedding, and Birthday
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

1. The flowers were purchased in the following order: tulips, the flowers for the office, the purple flowers, the roses for the park, and the white flowers bought by Julia.

2. Bethany loves flowers but is allergic, so she would never have them indoors.

3. It rained on Wednesday and Friday, because of this, the wedding and birthday party had to be moved indoors.

4. Amy bought her flowers after Rachel, but before Kristen.

5. Rachel needed something more to add to her office, so she chose peach flowers to match her curtains.

6. On Wednesday the only purple flowers available at the flower shop were daisies.

7. The pink flowers were bought after the carnations, but before the lilies.

8. The flowers for the birthday were bought after the flowers for the office, but before the flowers for the wedding.


Julia: Lilies, White, Wedding, Friday

Amy: Daisies, Purple, Birthday, Wednesday

Bethany: Tulips, Yellow, Backyard, Monday

Rachel: Carnations, Peach, Office, Tuesday


Kristen: Roses, Pink, Park, Thursday

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