


Is it wrong to play golf during lockdown?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: After being in lockdown for most of the year, my husband and I decided to retire and let the younger folks have a chance. While we haven’t been able to go to church in person, we have enjoyed being out on the golf course. Is this wrong? — G.C.

A: Golf can be a useful game. When the value of what may be considered a leisurely activity is explained, often it can relieve the buildup of anxiety. The Apostle Paul wrote about physical exercise and competition of his time.

The game of golf reveals character. If a person is a good sport, or hot-headed, or dishonest, it will show up on the golf course. The environment of God’s landscape brings a certain serenity. A golf course is an island of peace in a world often full of confusion and turmoil. It’s a good escape valve for inner hostility that builds up in all of us. It affords an opportunity for fellowship, challenge and exercise.

Golf techniques can be applied to life. “Keeping your head down,” speaks of humility. The one who looks up eagerly and proudly is bound to be embarrassed. Life is like that, too.


“Keeping your eye on the ball,” denotes resolution and concentration. “Following through” is a lesson in persistence. These principles can be applied in other areas of life and can serve us well. Let’s always use our time to bring glory to Jesus Christ who has blessed us with multiple ways to enjoy what He has created for our enjoyment. Golf is a great pastime but we should be careful never to let it replace our worship of God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2020 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.





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