


Humorous obituary goes viral


Published in Weird News

LONG BEACH, Miss. (UPI) -- A Mississippi man's obituary, written by his daughter, has gone viral online for its unusual content and good-natured humor.

"Harry Weathersby Stamps, ladies' man, foodie, natty dresser, and accomplished traveler, died on Saturday, March 9, 2013," began the obituary in Monday's Sun Herald, Gulfport, Miss.

The obituary for the Long Beach man, who died at age 80 after years as a dialysis patient, was written by his daughter, Amanda Lewis.

"He despised phonies, his 1969 Volvo [which he also loved], know-it-all Yankees, Southerners who used the words 'veranda' and 'porte cochere' to put on airs, eating grape leaves, Law and Order [all franchises], cats, and Martha Stewart. In reverse order. He particularly hated Daylight Saving Time, which he referred to as 'The Devil's Time.' It is not lost on his family that he died the very day that he would have had to spring his clock forward. This can only be viewed as his final protest," the obituary read.


Lewis said she was pleased with the reception the obituary has received online.

"Probably the best compliment I've gotten is that at least six people asked if he wrote it," she said.

"The family asks that in honor of Harry that you write your Congressman and ask for the repeal of Daylight Saving Time. Harry wanted everyone to get back on the Lord's Time," the obituary concluded.

Copyright 2013 by United Press International


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