


Today's Word "palaver"

Idle talk on

Published in Vocabulary

palaver \puh-LAV-uhr; puh-LAH-vur\ (noun) - 1 : Idle talk 2 : Talk intended to beguile or deceive. 3 : A parley usually between persons of different backgrounds or cultures or levels of sophistication; a talk; hence, a public conference and deliberation.

(intransitive verb) - To talk idly.

(transitive verb) - To flatter; to cajole.


"As the campaign switched into full gear, Adrian quickly grew tired of the insipid palaver that passed for political discourse in the debates."

Palaver derives from Late Latin parabola, "a proverb, a parable," from Greek parabole, from paraballein, "to compare," from para-, "beside" + ballein, "to throw."


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