


Chicken Jokes


Published in Jokes

Question: Why did the chicken lay an egg?
Answer: Because it would break if she dropped it!

Question: Where did the chicken go on her vacation?
Answer: Sandy Eggo

Question: Why did the egg cross the street?
Answer: To get to the shell station.

Question: Why did the chicken lay her eggs on a axe?
Answer: She wanted to hachet

Question: What do you call a egg who’s done lots of things?
Answer: An egg who has a lot of eggsperience.

Question: Where do you find information about eggs?
Answer: In the hen-cyclopedia


Question: Why is the chef so mean?
Answer: She beats the eggs!

Question: Did you hear the one about the egg?
Answer: It's not all it's "cracked" up to be!

Question: How can you drop an egg six feet without breaking it?
Answer: By dropping it seven feet - it won't break for the first six.

Question: What does mummy hen call her baby?
Answer: Eggs-tra special

Question: Why did the egg not draw a straight line?
Answer: His ideas were scrambled


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