


Still More Chicken Scratchins'


Published in Jokes

Q: What did one chicken say to the other after they walked through poison ivy?
A: "You scratch my beak and I'll scratch yours!"

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the mud and cross the road again?
A: Because he was a dirty double-crosser!

Q: Why didn't the chicken skeleton cross the road?
A: Because he didn't have enough guts!

Q: Why did the chicken cross the playground?
A: To get to the other slide!


Q: What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn?
A: An eggroll!

Q: What do chickens serve at birthday parties?
A: Coop-cakes!


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Meaning of Lila RJ Matson Bob Gorrell Al Goodwyn Barney Google And Snuffy Smith 9 Chickweed Lane