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Celebrity Travel: Go Away With Dianne Hales

By Jae-Ha Kim, Tribune Content Agency on

A. There's a quote from St. Augustine that not traveling is the equivalent of reading only a single page in an immense book. From an early age, I wanted more and more pages -- to see new things, hear new sounds, taste new foods, experience new adventures. Travel adds so many dimensions, colors, memories, perspectives, feelings. I have no doubt that I'm a different person than I would have been if I hadn't ventured into the world.

Q. Have you traveled to a place that stood out so much that you felt compelled to incorporate it into your work?

A. Big time. I so fell in love with Italy's culture and language that I wrote "La Bella Lingua: My Love Affair with Italian, the World's Most Enchanting Language" -- a pretty daunting challenge. Among its many unexpected and delightful consequences was being knighted by the president of Italy. Yes, I am a Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella della Solidarieta Italiana (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity), which I think is pretty cool. During my research in Florence for "La Bella Lingua," I came across the inspiration for my book on the real Mona Lisa.

Q. When you go away, what are some of your must-have items?

A. It used to be books. We once were carrying so many that we had to buy an extra suitcase at the airport. Kindle changed all that.

Q. What is your guilty pleasure when you're on the road?

A. Room service. When I'm alone, I order course after course, rent a movie and settle in for a cozy evening. When I'm with my husband, we ask for candles and push the table near the window if there's a view. It's like having a restaurant all to ourselves.


Q. What kind of research do you do before you go away on a trip?

A. I've worked as a journalist most of my career, so I naturally do a lot. My husband plans the logistics of getting us from point A to point B, but I'm the one who takes over then. I like to have destinations, but I've learned to enjoy the detours and diversions along the way.

Q. What is your best and/or worst vacation memory?

A. I remember watching a spectacular total lunar eclipse on a magical summer night in Italy. And I love the thrill of being on a boat and entering a new port, particularly where you thread your way into a harbor and look up at rocky hills and white houses. The worst: As we were leaving Budapest, I made a classic mistake: I drank the tap water. I lurched from one ladies room to the next through three airports on what had to be the longest journey home ever.


Jae-Ha Kim is a New York Times bestselling author and travel writer. You can respond to this column by visiting her website at You may also follow "Go Away With..." on Twitter at @GoAwayWithJae where Jae-Ha Kim welcomes your questions and comments.





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