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Celebrity Travel: Go Away With Loni Love

By Jae-Ha Kim, Tribune Media Services on

A. Not yet. And I don't worry about them, but I do have my own little ritual. I wipe the place down and try to disinfect everything that I can. I really don't like (hotel) bedspreads! I try to avoid them as much as I can.

Q. What are your favorite restaurants?

A. You know, there are so many but I can never remember the name of them because they're the little mom and pop places that don't have websites and I kind of forget their names. But I never forget the food! There's this great little BBQ place in Kansas City that I really like. I like to ask the locals because they give the best recommendations for what's best in their city.

Q. When you go away, what are some of your must-have items?

A. If all my luggage was lost, I could get by with a pair of jeans and clean underwear. But I couldn't live without my computer. And my lip gloss, because my lips are always getting chapped. Anything else, I can buy locally.

Q. What are some of your favorite cities?

A. I love Washington, D.C., Miami, Detroit and Virginia Beach.

Q. Where would you like to travel to within the U.S.?


A. I just went to Montana, so I've hit all 50 states.

Q. Where would you like to travel to that you haven't been to yet?

A. I'd really like to travel more outside the United States. I would want to go to Hong Kong. I've been to Ghana, which was a lot more western than a lot of people think, but I haven't been to Kenya. I really want to go on a safari some day. That'll be my next big trip.

Q. Where did you go on your first big vacation?

A. I went to St. Martin and during that trip it dawned on me how important it was to take an actual vacation every once in a while. I used to be an engineer and I was used to working all the time. I took a 10-day trip and it was weird for me at first 'cause the pace was so slow and relaxed. I was used to being in such a rush all the time. I came back to my office and felt totally relaxed and had so much less stress. My body and mind recognized the difference. I always tell people to take a vacation and go somewhere different.


Jae-Ha Kim is a New York Times bestselling author and travel writer. You can respond to this column by visiting her website at She welcomes your questions and comments.





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